Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Khuzema Ahmed

Thank you for reminding us of Fitzgerald's masterpiece. The line between genius and insanity is often hard to discern. We are all both evil and good. Individually, we have to decide whether we will allow our anima or animus to control us. F. Scott Fitzgerald gave us a glimpse into the Roaring Twenties and he and Zelda showed that uncontrolled greed, alcoholism, and insanity run hand-in-hand. If you're ever in Asheville, NC., be sure to go to the Omni Park Grove Inn and you will be able to see the bullet holes in Fitzgerald's room where he drank and shot his pistol like the alcoholic fool he became.

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I had a feeling that he might have turned into a kind of person he wrote about for the most realistic novels are written by one's own experiences and some times by one's own experience of looking at their own darkness

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