It's very courageous of you to post a positive thought about Nietzsche. Most people hate him like the N world.

Good writing.

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Yeah, I have seen similar things around the internet though I think as far as Nietzsche being a controversial writer there are still many things one can learn from him.

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Much of what Nietzsche said was true. It is a shame that his name has become enmeshed with that of Hitler and Wagner. His basic thesis seemed to be similar to that of CG Jung's: we all have good and evil living inside us and we must follow our nature. The so-called charity of Christian missionaries has historically had unintended consequences.

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I remember reading C.S. Lewis's article on good and evil or may be it was a critique on Christianity, regardless I found it quite similar and nurturing

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Oddly, I have never read a word written by CS Lewis. Maybe it's because of the talking lion. Or was that in Master and Margarita. The older I get, the confusinger I become.

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